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  • 100% Authentic
  • 15 days return to seller
  • Warranty not available
THB 371.40

Musang King is the most popular durian species in Malaysia. Musang King has a nice fragrance and its flesh is dense and sweet, with a little tint of bitterness.
Once tried, the taste is unforgettable.
The quality of the Musang King fruit depends highly on soil and weather conditions.
Prices fluctuate depending on seasons and can be quite expensive when demand is higher than supply.
The unique slow-roasting technique for Sunshine Kingdom Musang King White Coffee creates a strong coffee and durian aroma that is pleasant to smell.
The texture of coffee is smooth and pleasing while maintaining the unique taste of durian mixed with coffee.

Higher memory bandwidth 1,544 MHz
Higher pixel rate 74.1 GPixel/s
Apr 30, 2021

Everything is perfect. I would recommend!

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