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  • 100% Authentic
  • 15 days return to seller
  • Warranty not available
THB 81.80

Delicoco Coconut Chunks Deli Coco Baked Coconut Chunks are made from fresh, mature coconuts. The flesh (or meat) is cut into pieces and then baked (not fried) using a small amount of coconut oil. Coconut meat is known to contain medium-chain fatty acids, which, unlike their long-chain cousins, are broken down much faster and are thought not to contribute to cholesterol levels. With a high fiber content, coconut meat is also great to include in the diet. Deli Coco Baked Coconut chunks are a healthy and delicious snack for the whole family.

This snack was nominated as the best choice for your taste buds with high-end taste.

Certified :

  • GMP
  • ISO 22000
  • FSSC 22000
  • Malaysia Halal MS1500:2009
  • MeSTI
  • Buatan Malaysia

Natural Aroma
Health Product
Choice of healthy food

Serve as a crunchy snack or dessert with coconut milk yogurt. Still eat like snacks
you will like it!

How does this snack taste like?
Crunchy texture with a nongreasy form

100% satisfaction guaranteed
DeliCoco coconut chunks are made from high-quality coconuts selected by the coconut farm and baked using natural homemade secret recipe techniques.

Enjoy DeliCoco baked coconut chunks at home
Grab one today!

Premium Coconut

Higher memory bandwidth 1,544 MHz
Higher pixel rate 74.1 GPixel/s
Apr 30, 2021

Everything is perfect. I would recommend!

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